Contacts & Buddies
JomSs  id: 2426358
Name Jose Miguel 
Nick JomSs
Member since 16/04/07
Age / Gender 34 Years / male
Nationality  Spain
Territory Spain
Occupation Gammer
Employer / University / School Valve
Main team --
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  1 Awards  
League of Legends
Counter-Strike: Source
Recent matches
  Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 3k Cup #2
loss razorix  0 Saturday, 19/04/14 11:00 1
  League of Legends 1on1 Spring League 2010
loss 776061  0 Thursday, 06/05/10 15:00 0
loss 1992031  0 Thursday, 29/04/10 15:00 1
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