getBusted   id:  4613210
Name getBusted
Shorthandle getBusted
Registered since 27/11/09
Headquarters  European Union
Area/Region Austria/Germany
  1  Awards  
BAS Styles  and  NebkeS
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Latest matches
  CS:GO 5on5 Open League Spring 2016 Europe
loss   Dont Stop Believin  0 Tuesday, 15/03/16 15:00 3
loss   DREAMinc  0 Tuesday, 08/03/16 14:00 4
loss   iP.Gaming*iP-wear  0 Tuesday, 01/03/16 14:00 2
wins   Team-AoW  + 3 Tuesday, 23/02/16 14:00
loss   TO BE ANNOUNCED  0 Tuesday, 09/02/16 14:00 2
loss   bugfish  0 Tuesday, 02/02/16 14:00 1
  CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
loss   Apfaileimer  -22 Saturday, 05/03/16 17:10 1
wins   SquadFive  + 25 Sunday, 31/01/16 12:48 1