the Sticks   id:  6084905
Name the Sticks
Shorthandle Sticks
Registered since 24/07/11
Headquarters  France
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  FIFA 11 2on2 Ladder
wins   NO CAPS NO PARTY  + 21 Sunday, 04/09/11 17:06 6
wins   UniK  + 18 Monday, 08/08/11 17:30 1
wins   EQUALITY Wtal  + 40 Thursday, 28/07/11 17:17 1
wins   Hende Hoh  + 12 Thursday, 28/07/11 17:00 1
loss   Most Wanted NoObs  -42 Thursday, 28/07/11 10:15 1
wins   GamerZ Online II  + 15 Thursday, 28/07/11 09:44 1
wins   Metal  + 31 Wednesday, 27/07/11 15:37 1
wins   Team Kabul  + 10 Wednesday, 27/07/11 12:21 1
wins   Les Girondins  + 22 Tuesday, 26/07/11 11:41 1
wins   Corona  + 38 Tuesday, 26/07/11 11:07 1