Daniel Michael 'Pille Palle' Stretz  id: 2676918
CPU Intel Core i7 2600K
RAM 24Gb DDR3-1600
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce GTX590
Storage OCZ SSD 240gb
Motherboard Asus Maximus
Display AOC 28"
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Antivirus AVG
CD/DVD LG Blue-Ray
Mouse Razer Krait
Mousepad Razer
Keyboard Genius
Headphones MS_TECH
Connection VDSL 50
Drink CocaCola
Food Pizza
Music House
Song Scotty - Pirates Of The Caribbean
Car Honda S 2000
Sport Fußball
Athlete Kringe
Map de_prodigy
Clan Alternate Attax
Player Zofu
Game Hero Scharfschütze
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nightelfs
Favourite Websites
Website 2 http://www.verfickteschei..
Website 3 http://www.myvideo.de
╔►Status: Aktiv[ ].......inaktiv[√].....◄
╠►Skill.: Low[√]....Mid[ ].....High[ ]..◄
╠►Clan..: Clan[ ]...ClanlezZ[√]..........◄
╠►Game..: Cs [ ]..1.6[ ]..Source[√]◄
Play 2 Win ;=)