David 'Dream' L  id: 3572746
CPU Q6600
RAM 2gb
Videocard 2x8800gtx
Soundcard audigy 2
Storage 2x500gb Western Digital
Motherboard P5NT- Asus
Display LG 21" Pano
OS Windows XP
Antivirus Avast
CD/DVD Lector
Mouse G9
Mouse Skatez wtf?
Mousepad Yo no uso de eso
Keyboard 3€
Headphones Vivanco
Connection 6mb Timofonica
Wheel/Pedals para pegar tiros?
Joypad idem
TV House/Dexter
Sound system 5.1
Console(s) N64
Drink Vodka
Food Pizza
Movie The fight Club
Music The white stripes
Song Blue orchid
Book La historia interminable
Book author Stephen king
Person Leonidas
Actor / Actress Anthony hopkins
Car Bedley
Sport Tenis
Athlete Bhor
Map dod_harrington
Clan Cadre
Player Randal
Game Hero Link
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) ????
Genre Accion&Shot
Console N64
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.zpgaming.eu
Mucho mirar mi perfil pero nadie deja firmitas!!!!
En busca de team :D
Lets Rock ,and Rox!
I uses to play light, if anyone wanna contact me send me an email.

No tengo tiempo de escribir 1000 caracteres sobre mi.