its time to got...#OWNED!  3on3  id:  1834336
Name its time to got...#OWNED!
Shorthandle #OWNED!
Registered since 15/05/06
Headquarters  Germany
  7  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
loss   god  -18 Monday, 10/10/11 14:39 3
  Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
loss   3er mit 6  -24 Thursday, 06/10/11 14:41 5
loss   boom biatches  -20 Wednesday, 28/09/11 15:39 6
loss   wir drei beide  -27 Tuesday, 27/09/11 16:51 7
wins   CdW Amateur Squad  + 25 Tuesday, 27/09/11 16:21 7
  Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 MR15 Ladder
loss   BOSSTOUR  -19 Wednesday, 05/10/11 16:47 0
loss   zauberwald  -27 Wednesday, 05/10/11 15:47 2
loss   AKK IN DEIN FACE  -19 Monday, 03/10/11 15:03 3
loss   5000  -22 Monday, 03/10/11 13:46 5
wins   Fantastic Five  + 23 Monday, 03/10/11 10:10 5