C Bon TouAaa   id:  2074350
Name C Bon TouAaa
Shorthandle *cßτ*
Registered since 08/10/06
Homepage http://www.team-cbt.com/
IRC #clan-cBt  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  France
French dods team, since october 2005
What can we say about our team ? We just love playing dod:s together and win if that's possible :).
We will finish with poetics words:
Eeeh Cé bon TouAaaaaaa !!!!
  5  Awards  
  C Bon TouaAa  . EMS
IRC #clan-cBt  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 League Autumn 2011 Groupstage
wins   IndependenZa.eu  + 3 Sunday, 27/11/11 14:00 12
wins   nameless  + 3 Sunday, 20/11/11 14:00 6
loss   DkH Multigaming e.V. 2012  0 Sunday, 13/11/11 14:00 11
loss   Druidz.dods  0 Sunday, 06/11/11 14:00 4
loss   kkthxbye  0 Sunday, 30/10/11 15:00 6
  Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Ladder
loss   stars  -5 Monday, 24/10/11 15:00 7
wins   myReload Gaming  + 16 Monday, 17/10/11 15:00 6
  Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Autumn QualiCup #4
loss   Muppets the DoD Show  0 Wednesday, 19/10/11 14:00 5
  Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Autumn QualiCup #1
loss   kkthxbye  0 Sunday, 09/10/11 14:00 4
  Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Spring League 2011
loss   Virtual LIONS  0 Sunday, 15/05/11 14:00 1