El-Duffo   id:  4177474
Name El-Duffo
Shorthandle DUFF
Registered since 05/06/09
Homepage http://www.MyDuff.de.gg
Headquarters  Germany
Clan Duff fighting!
  2  Awards  
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Latest matches
  League of Legends 5on5 Ladder
loss   ----  -24 Monday, 11/04/11 14:00 2
loss   A Few Good Men 1  -26 Monday, 04/04/11 16:00 3
wins   Chill4Skill  + 36 Tuesday, 15/03/11 16:00 2
wins   Right Hand Of God  + 23 Wednesday, 09/03/11 15:30 4
wins   Piqueup-Gayming  + 24 Monday, 07/03/11 14:00 2
wins   Evolution Virtual Cry  + 25 Thursday, 24/02/11 13:00 3
wins   Dividend  + 28 Monday, 21/02/11 14:00 2
loss   Seven-Wolves.LoL  -10 Monday, 14/02/11 14:00 3
loss   Boost  -26 Monday, 24/01/11 15:15 3
loss   Fatal Fault (INACTIVE)  -29 Monday, 24/01/11 14:00 3