Mo & Kevka 2v2 1006Points   id:  5389627
Name Mo & Kevka 2v2 1006Points
Shorthandle TSxll
Registered since 18/10/10
Headquarters  Germany
Wir beide sind ein gutes Trio.
Rate and comment, if u want :D
Only EQ on.
Only EOS on.
Only the German Ladders are important. You can't win as an German team in europe.
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  War Rock Close Quarters Combat 2on2 KG Ladder
loss   Teddys an die Macht!  -21 Friday, 14/01/11 09:55 10
wins   no Overclock eSports  + 17 Friday, 07/01/11 11:15 12
wins   BokiBang # 5  + 26 Friday, 10/12/10 11:45 15
  War Rock Open Ladder 2on2 CQC Europe
wins   Oldplay..  + 6 Saturday, 08/01/11 15:40 14
loss   jij komen hier?  0 Friday, 07/01/11 16:50 22