L3ck3r3 PauseNNbrote   id:  6079304
Name L3ck3r3 PauseNNbrote
Shorthandle L3ck3r
Registered since 22/07/11
Headquarters  Albania
Area/Region K13l / Tr13r
Irgendwann maybee back um Ärsche zu versohlen :)
  2  Awards  
Honorary member
Happy '  and  Mac'
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 2on2 Halloween Cup 2014
wins   nohands  + 2 Friday, 31/10/14 18:00 5
loss   Not Quite Pro  0 Friday, 31/10/14 17:15 8
wins   X-Ray Freaks  + 2 Friday, 31/10/14 16:30 8
wins   FTRs Private Hoes  + 2 Friday, 31/10/14 15:45 10
wins   (bye)  Friday, 31/10/14 15:00
  Call of Duty: Ghosts Cup 2on2 All Stars #5 - AK-12
loss   hall of fame awards  0 Wednesday, 30/04/14 15:00 1
wins   (bye)  Wednesday, 30/04/14 14:00
  Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Monday 1
loss   MakkaraPerunat  0 Monday, 24/03/14 17:00 2
loss   puRe/taLentz  0 Monday, 24/03/14 16:30
wins   pYLon & rosso  + 2 Monday, 24/03/14 16:00 1