HK Grips in memory of  Black ops  id:  6712474
Name HK Grips in memory of
Shorthandle GRIPS
Registered since 11/03/12
Headquarters  Italy
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
wins   Eagle Eye 3on3  + 17 Friday, 13/04/12 15:45 4
wins   Black in Back  + 24 Monday, 09/04/12 15:45 5
draws   Just Do  0 Saturday, 07/04/12 15:45 5
wins   Eagle Eye 3on3  + 23 Saturday, 07/04/12 14:05 6
wins   Reborn eXistenz  + 26 Sunday, 01/04/12 14:00 3