qPuNk & fEDEZ   id:  7037652
Name qPuNk & fEDEZ
Shorthandle qPuNeZZ
Registered since 23/07/12
Headquarters  Italy
qPuNk & fedeZZ
  1  Awards  
fEDEZ  and  qPuNk
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 2on2 Halloween Cup #17
wins   La teoria del complotto  + 2 Monday, 29/10/12 17:30 4
loss   Tommi&Andre  0 Monday, 29/10/12 17:00 5
wins   Cocainum  + 2 Monday, 29/10/12 16:30 7
wins   Rolling Shot  + 2 Monday, 29/10/12 16:00 5
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
wins   Full Blooded Italian 2on2  + 22 Tuesday, 24/07/12 15:00 5