Core Gaming .Fifa Pro Club   id:  8983632
► FIFA Division:
Dennis "HerthaAtze" Latzke (Team-Leader)
Jonas "CH4NC3NT0D" R.
Johannes "Shyox" D.
Marcel "SackelStyles" H.
Nils "KingNils" H.
Sepp "Sepp" H
Dennis "Xperience" H
Trickel "Trickel" H
Sören "Soeli"

► About:
Core Gaming is a club, founded in 2015 and officially launched on the 16th March 2015, which is mainly devoted to esport. Although, the club is still very young, their staff has a huge amount of experience.
Many of these names might not be a term to you but one thing is certain -
Core Gaming will be one of those names you will remember in the future.

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