raiden  id: 721817
CPU Intel Core i7 2600K 5.2GHz
RAM 16GB G.Skill Ripjaws
Videocard ATI HD6950 Crossfire (1536 Shader, 1000/1400MHz)
Soundcard Onboard
Storage OCZ Agility 2 60GB; OCZ Agility 1 30GB
Motherboard Biostar TP67XE
Display IIyama ProLite E2472HD
OS Windows 7 Professional x64
Antivirus Avira Antivir Personal
CD/DVD Plextor PX-L890SA
Mouse Logitech G5
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Steelseries Qck+
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones Steelseries Siberia V2
Connection Kabel 128.000 :)
Wheel/Pedals -
Joypad -
TV Samsung 32" LCD
Sound system Teufel Concept E
Console(s) N64, PS2, PS3
Handheld(s) -
Mobile Phone HTC Desire
Drink Wasser, Wodka
Food Pizza, Nudeln, Zigeunerschnitzel
Movie Reservoir Dogs
Music -
Song -
Book Moscow Rules, The Messenger, Krieg und Frieden
Book author Daniel Silva
Person -
Actor / Actress -
Car Mosler MT900 GTR XX, BMW M3
Sport Leichtathletik, Fussball, Kraftsport, eSport ;)
Athlete Wladimir Klitschko, Jesse Owens
Map mp_crash, mp_strike
Clan a-Losers
Player -
Game Hero Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) -
Genre FPS, Wirtschaftssimulationen, Sport
Console PS3, N64
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.xtremesystems...
Website 2 http://www.hardwareluxx.d..
Website 3

best team ever <3

• History

- inGame (R6: Raven Shield)
- fanatic gam0rz (R6: Raven Shield)
- gaming syndicate (R6: Raven Shield)
- no fucking clan (Call of Duty 4)
- ClazziX eSports EPS 15 (Call of Duty 4)
- Team gamed!de EPS 17 + CB EuroCup (Call of Duty 4)
- EVOPLAY (Call of Duty 4)

• R6: Raven Shield

4th place R6: Ravenshield 1on1 Summer Cup 07
1st place R6: Raven Shield 2on2 Ladder (serious gaming + forever)
1st place R6: Raven Shield 3on3 Funteam Ladder for 120+ days (noobz)
1st place R6: Raven Shield 3on3+ Ladder (ancients)
2nd place R6: Ravenshield 5on5 Ladder (ancients)

• Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

1st place Call of Duty 4 Promod 5on5 MR12 Cup (ClazziX eSports)
3rd place Call of Duty 4 Promod Oster Cup #2 (ClazziX eSports)
3rd place Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 3on3 Sommer-Cup #1 (ClazziX eSports)
5th place Call of Duty 4 EPS Season 15 Relegation (ClazziX eSports)
attended Call of Duty 4 EPS Season 15 (ClazziX eSports)