seekbanG   id:  5136239
Name seekbanG
Shorthandle sG
Registered since 18/06/10
Headquarters  Germany
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 3on3 Ladder
loss   3sten 3  -32 Tuesday, 11/09/12 13:26 4
loss   out of control  -18 Tuesday, 11/09/12 12:56 2
loss   echo effect  -13 Tuesday, 11/09/12 12:05 3
wins   secret of mana  + 22 Sunday, 09/09/12 10:02 2
wins   New York Giants  + 22 Sunday, 09/09/12 08:59 2
loss   Closed Awards ########1  -30 Sunday, 09/09/12 07:27
loss   BQMBERMAN r3  -29 Sunday, 09/09/12 06:41 3
wins   SCHLÄFERZELLE  + 21 Saturday, 08/09/12 15:01 2
wins   csgo failn  + 21 Saturday, 08/09/12 14:08
loss   POWERHOUSE  -23 Saturday, 08/09/12 13:23 4