Contacts & Buddies
faCze  id: 1248071
Name Fabio 
Nick faCze
Member since 17/05/05
Age / Gender 51 Years / male
Nationality  Monaco
Territory Italy
Occupation Ricercatore
Main team PFighters rinGhio GladiatoReS .CSS
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Non aprite sfide prima di contattarmi. Se proprio volete sappiate che per le sfide sono disponibile solo dopo le 21:30 circa. Grazie.

Do not open challenges before contacting me. For the challenges are only available after 21:30 or so. Thank you.
Level & Awards
  11 Awards  
F1 2001
ICQ Games
Counter-Strike: Source
Recent matches
  PokerTH 1on1 SteelSeries Winter League '09
win Liethy  +3 Wednesday, 04/03/09 15:00 2
win 3722058  +3 Sunday, 22/02/09 17:55 0
loss siiNNN  0 Tuesday, 17/02/09 15:30 2
loss 2703919  0 Sunday, 15/02/09 15:30 2
  ICQ Games Pool 1on1 SteelSeries Winter League '09
win Kram  +3 Friday, 27/02/09 15:00 2
win 1629797  +3 Sunday, 22/02/09 15:00 4
win 2561895  +3 Tuesday, 17/02/09 15:00 3
loss 2147681  0 Thursday, 12/02/09 17:30 3
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