Contacts & Buddies
roXTr  id: 4180380
Name Miguel Angel 
Nick roXTr
Member since 06/06/09
Age / Gender 31 Years / male
Nationality  Mexico
Territory Spain
Main team LasT Travel
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  4 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
League of Legends
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  PokeMMO 1on1 Opening Cup
loss 3545530  0 Sunday, 21/04/13 15:00 1
loss x_X  0 Sunday, 21/04/13 14:45 1
win 5860894  +2 Sunday, 21/04/13 14:15 1
win Liveon  +2 Sunday, 21/04/13 14:00 1
  League of Legends 1on1 Playoffs Verano 2k11
loss The Expel  0 Saturday, 27/08/11 14:00 2
  League of Legends 1on1 Liga Verano 2k11
loss 5982379  0 Tuesday, 16/08/11 14:00 2
win 3896244  +3 Tuesday, 09/08/11 14:00 2
win 4768117  +3 Tuesday, 02/08/11 14:00 1
  Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
win 4064499  +28 Wednesday, 22/06/11 14:15 7
loss 3893247  -22 Wednesday, 22/06/11 13:25 6
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