Contacts & Buddies
Marco 'marco' Behrens  id: 967183
Name Marco Behrens
Nick marco
Member since 19/10/04
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team --
Homepage --
Clanhistory: cRazY LooSeRs, kiwiCULTURE, Don, blank, starAiming, starComa.Tagan, eSport Bundesliga (Comunio), bomk, eSportBL AllStars, Croissports, Bum Bum Zack!, TBH.ASUS
Level & Awards
  10 Awards  
Recent matches
  HaxBall 1on1 Golden Goal Cup #1
loss 2467208  0 Sunday, 20/02/11 13:20 4
win (bye)  Sunday, 20/02/11 13:00 0
  HaxBall 1on1 End of Winter Cup
loss Fatzke  0 Sunday, 20/02/11 13:10 2
win (bye)  Sunday, 20/02/11 13:00 0
Visited Events
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