Intermezz  ø  id:  2489777
Name Intermezz
Shorthandle F&J
Registered since 19/05/07
IRC #mila  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of striker thumbsup!
Headquarters  Germany / Düsseldorf
Iwie sind wir schon ganz schön nooby :?
  10  Awards  
  Splash of Life 
IRC #mila  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  FIFA 13 2on2 Teampool Bundesliga Cup
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 25/11/21 14:00
  FIFA 13 2on2 Ladder
loss   sceneplay.FIFA  -38 Sunday, 24/03/13 15:49 1
wins   Glory Brothers.FIFA  + 6 Wednesday, 13/03/13 17:57 5
wins   DSADds  + 15 Wednesday, 13/03/13 17:37 1
wins   FC Götzeus  + 5 Wednesday, 13/03/13 17:18
loss   Juan & Rolf  -26 Wednesday, 13/03/13 16:57 1
  FIFA 13 2on2 Night Cup Season 3 - #7
loss   Ibracadabra  0 Wednesday, 13/03/13 16:30
wins   NMK.FIFA 2on2  + 2 Wednesday, 13/03/13 15:45
wins   VW - Viktor & Wehy  + 2 Wednesday, 13/03/13 15:00
  FIFA 13 2on2 1.Bundesliga Qualifikationscup #2
loss   Lebenslang GrünWeiss  0 Tuesday, 26/02/13 13:40 4