Creeping Cries  FFA  id:  5920884
Name Creeping Cries
Shorthandle -=C|C=-
Registered since 22/05/11
Headquarters  Germany
Für aktive Member zum zocken gedacht.

Nicht das Hauptsquad.
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  League of Legends 5on5 Ladder
loss   Team-3st  -29 Wednesday, 28/09/11 15:10 6
wins   Killsteal Legends  + 19 Sunday, 04/09/11 14:00 2
wins   FiveManArmy  + 20 Tuesday, 30/08/11 16:45 2
loss   defwin  -23 Sunday, 17/07/11 14:00 5
wins   Team SkiLL.LeSS Volition  + 21 Sunday, 10/07/11 14:00 2
wins   Team Zodiacx 2.0  + 23 Sunday, 26/06/11 14:00 2
wins   Hard line Gaming  + 22 Tuesday, 14/06/11 14:00 4
  League of Legends 5on5 Champions Club #15
loss   Koala From China  0 Wednesday, 13/07/11 14:00 1
wins   Salad Bowl  + 2 Wednesday, 13/07/11 13:00 3
wins   (bye)  Wednesday, 13/07/11 12:00 0