SYNERGY eSports. Dota 2   id:  9630589
Name SYNERGY eSports. Dota 2
Shorthandle SYNERGY
Registered since 07/12/15
Subteam of SYNERGY eSports
Headquarters  European Union
  1  Awards  
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SYNERGY esports is an Electronic Sports team consisting of players around the globe who share their passion for gaming. Synergy teams are competing in the Call of Duty series and Call of Juarez, but also in League of Legends and Counter Strike: Global Offensive our teams are uprising.

SYNERGY eSports was founded by Martijn ‘Walker’ van Tongeren in 2008 as ‘Texas Rangers eSports’, which fitted perfectly to the western scene in Call of Juarez. Within a few months the team gained many victories and a big name in this game, which still stands today.

As time advanced, our team expanded its vision and started to play in the Call of Duty series as well. Once our teams in Call of Duty started to play on a regular basis and on a higher level, the idea to continue under a new name that corresponded with our vision and core values emerged.

As respect, sportmanship and teamwork are some of our core values, the word synergy describes us perfectly. Synergy stands for the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. It is derived from the greek language, where it means 'Working together'. This is exactly our vision. We believe that the key towards every victory lies within the teamwork of our squads.

We take great care in picking our staff and players, as we want to be sure that a coherent team is working towards their goal. Next to that, of course, we thrive to have a great time together within our own organization. This is only possible with players who are not only skilled in their game, but who are also nice to hang out with on a personal level. With a better bond between the players, we believe the teamwork ingame can excelerate and bring amazing results.