pod virtual gaming BF2  In Memory  id:  3439056
Name pod virtual gaming BF2
Shorthandle pod.
Registered since 16/08/08
Homepage http://www.planetpod.de/
IRC #pod  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
pod the place to be - BF2 CQ Team
  2  Awards  
Honorary member
IRC #pod  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Battlefield 2 Conquest League Season I
draws   diamondZ e.V.  + 1 Sunday, 31/05/09 14:00 0
loss   Mutant Ninja Turtlles  0 Sunday, 24/05/09 14:00 0
loss   PCB  0 Sunday, 17/05/09 14:00 6
loss   Team Instinct  0 Sunday, 03/05/09 14:00 1
  Battlefield 2 Conquest Nightcup IV
loss   Mutant Ninja Turtlles  0 Sunday, 05/04/09 15:00 6
wins   3HATOKU  + 3 Sunday, 05/04/09 13:00 6