b0d0s   id:  9220180
Name b0d0s
Shorthandle b0d0s
Registered since 06/07/15
Headquarters  Germany
  2  Awards  
neviZ  and  tolgi
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
wins   traktormodus  + 20 Tuesday, 04/08/15 15:03 1
wins   up in the air  + 12 Thursday, 09/07/15 10:19
wins   Reso Gaming  + 28 Wednesday, 08/07/15 11:15 4
wins   T-ViR  + 18 Wednesday, 08/07/15 10:41
wins   Demented Gods  + 16 Tuesday, 07/07/15 17:22
wins   Mal eben hier aufräumen  + 17 Tuesday, 07/07/15 16:33
wins   Conan regelt ins Face  + 34 Tuesday, 07/07/15 15:26
wins   noobs  + 29 Tuesday, 07/07/15 11:56 1
wins   Lets Play  + 23 Monday, 06/07/15 17:57 2
wins   Kings Rangers  + 25 Monday, 06/07/15 17:17