Contacts & Buddies
Ueberrushungsei  id: 326007
Name David 
Nick Ueberrushungsei
Member since 14/08/02
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team --
Homepage --
Wenn ihr mich fordern wollt, bitte auch über XBoxLive bescheid geben, da ich auch gerne mal einige Tage nicht am Rechner sitze und somit die Forderungen häufig verpasse :)
Level & Awards
  2 Awards  
Recent matches
  Germany Magic: The Gathering (360) 1on1 Ladder
win L4zYLacE  +23 Monday, 25/04/11 09:00 0
loss Eintopf  -18 Monday, 25/04/11 07:10 0
loss Eintopf  -19 Friday, 22/04/11 07:00 0
win L4zYLacE  +25 Wednesday, 20/04/11 13:00 0
win 4775100  +23 Tuesday, 19/04/11 14:20 0
win Eintopf  +35 Monday, 18/04/11 18:35 0
loss 4544528  -24 Monday, 18/04/11 18:30 0
win 5697708  +17 Monday, 18/04/11 18:00 0
loss 5227354  -28 Monday, 18/04/11 17:15 0
  Germany Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 1on1 Ladder
loss 4126075  -26 Thursday, 21/04/11 12:00 0
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