In memory of Swiss EPS   id:  2738484
Name In memory of Swiss EPS
Shorthandle R.I.P
Registered since 26/09/07
Headquarters  Switzerland
Sämtliche Anfragen an 'royal'
  4  Awards  
drown.x3  and  Rizource

  EPS Season X CS:S 5on5 : 7 Minor, 1 Majors
21.01.11 1Major Penalty ( 6.5 Einsatz nicht spielberechtigter Spieler) ( Match )
27.12.10 1 Minor Penalty ( Benennung Matchmedia) ( Match )
02.12.10 2 Minor Penalty ( Fehlender Lizenzvertrag (Spieltag 1-6))
30.11.10 1 Minor Penalty ( Benennung Matchmedia) ( Match )
28.11.10 2 Minor Penalty ( 3.25 Teilnehmerstatements) ( Match )
13.11.10 1 Minor Penalty ( 3.8.3 Premium Account (Spieltag 5))
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Latest matches
  ESL Pro Series Season X Counter-Strike: Source 5on5
loss   swissRAGE  0 Monday, 24/01/11 16:00 5
loss   They Kick Ass.CSS Alpen EPS  0 Monday, 24/01/11 15:00 7
loss   ANIMARE.LaFors Alpen  0 Thursday, 20/01/11 15:00 4
loss   energy-WAVE e.V.  0 Wednesday, 12/01/11 15:00 6
loss   SFTO eSports  0 Wednesday, 22/12/10 15:00 12
loss   Team 123  0 Monday, 20/12/10 15:30 13
loss   Team maaischguet  0 Wednesday, 08/12/10 15:00 17
loss   They Kick Ass.CSS Alpen EPS  0 Monday, 29/11/10 15:00 13
loss   ANIMARE.LaFors Alpen  0 Monday, 22/11/10 15:00 16
loss   energy-WAVE e.V.  0 Wednesday, 17/11/10 15:00 15