Harlequin Hornets  Rookie Draft  id:  6862751
Name Harlequin Hornets
Shorthandle Hornets
Registered since 10/05/12
Homepage http://www.uprising-esports.de
Subteam of CSL!Rookie Draft
Headquarters  Germany
Harlequin Hornets - CSL!Rookie Draft powered by Uprising!
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 Rookie Draft Liga
loss   Midnight Monkeys  0 Thursday, 21/06/12 14:00 0
loss   Scarlet Scorpions  0 Thursday, 14/06/12 14:00 0
loss   Violet Vultures  0 Thursday, 31/05/12 14:00 0
loss   Crimson Cobras  0 Thursday, 24/05/12 14:00 0