Contacts & Buddies
Moritz 'Bas1c' Gutowski  id: 598146
Name Moritz Gutowski
Nick Bas1c
Member since 23/09/03
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team aLso known as
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Level & Awards
  6 Awards  
Team Fortress 2
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Night Cup #1
win 3683914  +2 Friday, 10/01/14 19:45 6
loss Sheepshooter  0 Friday, 10/01/14 19:00 3
win cheplarace  +2 Friday, 10/01/14 18:15 2
win 8125721  +2 Friday, 10/01/14 17:30 2
win 8037380  +2 Friday, 10/01/14 16:45 2
win 6115864  +2 Friday, 10/01/14 16:00
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