Jenova  id: 154000
CPU Intel® Core™ i7-930 Prozessor (2,8 GHz)
Videocard NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480
Soundcard onboard
Storage SSD:60 GB | Sata: 1000GB, 2x 500GB
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R
Display Benq 2200 21,5" HDMI
OS Windows xp media center/xp home
Antivirus kaspersky
CD/DVD Blu-ray-Combo
Mouse Logitech G5
Mousepad Raptor Gaming
Keyboard Logitech G 110
Headphones Sennheiser
Connection dsl 2000 :(
Sound system creative 7.1 + dk 5.1 + Logitech 2.1
Movie Instinct, Verhandlungssache
Music r&b
Song levert - casanova
Book author Stephen King
Actor / Actress Anthony Hopkins, Samuel L. Jackson
Map de_inferno
Console gb/gba/nes/snes/ps1/ps2/
CSM: Nur Matches in der ingame CSM ESL oder Ger Ladder, keine PCWs.

cs 1.6 inactive since 2006

placed #23 on ESPL 5on5 Ladder with #mynox July`02

placed #12 on with #mynox August`02

placed #5 on LGZ 3on3 Ladder with #mynox Ausgust`02

placed #~50 on ESL 2on2 Ladder with Final Fantasy
Freaks (EinzelKämpfer/ Real Playaz) 02/03

Placed #2 ON NCSL Liga 2 with Team-syndicate 05

Placed #(+-)148 on ESL MR 12Ger Ladder with passion-gaming 06

Placed #1 on ESL eas 2end Division August 06 with passion.gaming