Swedish  id: 364782
CPU 3,2
RAM 1028
Videocard wayne?
Soundcard wayne?
Storage wayne?
Motherboard wayne?
Display 19" Flatscreen
CD/DVD wayne?
Mouse Microsoft Optical blue
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Werbegeschenk von Maxdata mit Loch inner Mitte
Keyboard Cherry Cyboard
Headphones Sennheiser m@b30
Connection T-DSL
Drink Punica Cool Cassis
Food Spaghetti
Movie Spongebob
Music Punk/Rock - Anti-Flag & ZSK
Song ZSK - Zähl die Stunden
Book Der tätowierte Hund
Book author Paul Maar
Person Mein Spiegelbild
Actor / Actress Krümmelmonster
Car Corsa C
Sport eSport? Oo
Athlete ich
Map Turtle Rock
Clan Team Intergalactic
Player alfo
Game Hero Demonhunter
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.rautemusik.fm/..
Website 2 http://www.skatepunks.de
Website 3 http://www.anti-flag.com
Website 4 http://ww.rushed.de/index..
falls ihr mich fordern wollt erst im irc melden!!! dont challenge me before asking about a date!!!


"Welcome to 1984" by Anti-Flag

Who would Jesus bomb? Yeah, who would Jesus kill?
The double talk is past surreal
The word of god is now the word of hate
War is peace, and freedom is the police state
Can't you see the writing on the wall?
Democracy lays trampled on the floor...

You better believe that...
Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
Mr. Orwell from the grave, adding fresh ink to the page
As the unpresident declares an endless war...
Welcome to 1984!

Feels like Nazi Germany, and Hitler on TV,
As the unpresident spews homophobic speech
You say the Allies fought a war to end extremist fascist law
So tell me NOW what the fuck are we fighting for?

I just can not take it anymore
Democracy lays trampled on the floor...
Man, isn't freedom great?!?!

Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
Mr. Orwell from the grave, adding fresh ink to the page
As the unpresident declares an endless war...
Welcome to 1984!
Now we've got...
Armies of peace, armed to the teeth, delivering death to make the world a better place
So celebrate the weapons spending, say a toast to Armageddon, raise some hell!
We're headed straight to hell!!!

Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
Mr. Orwell from the grave, adding fresh ink to the page
As the unpresident declares an endless war...
Welcome to 1984!

from World Can't Wait Organizers
You hate the future shaping up under Bush, and you've been looking for a way to change this...

You hate this unjust and brutal war on Iraq, Christian fundamentalism being rammed down our throats, the right to abortion under direct threat, anti—gay laws being passed, and the whole fascist direction this is taking us...

...you've come to the right place.