K-LibR.BF2142  - La Horde  id:  2915511
Name K-LibR.BF2142
Shorthandle Klibr
Registered since 19/12/07
Homepage http://www.klibr.com/
IRC #K-LibR.eu  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  France
  5  Awards  
IRC #K-LibR.eu  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Battlefield 2142 Infantry 5on5 Winter Cup 2009
loss   In Memory of BF-PAC  0 Monday, 23/02/09 15:00 15
loss   Our BF2142s memories  0 Monday, 09/02/09 15:00 10
loss   define-gaming BF2142  0 Monday, 02/02/09 15:00 11
wins   Beyond-Gaming eSports  + 3 Monday, 26/01/09 15:00 5
BattleLan08 : Vice Champion de France BF2142 2008

For challenges BF2142 please contact : cheplarace
We dont fight without a contact before the esl challenge !!!!Ask us for the Pass for the Teamspeak for that mail me [email protected] .

We only accept matches @ 21h15 ,all days excepted saterday thanks.

Contacts : [email protected] (MSN)
iRC : url[irc://us.quakenet.org:6667-6669/K-LibR.eu][#K-LibR.eu (QuakeNet)]url

Sponsor And Partenaires :

Server LozaGames : www.LozaGames.com
Contact: [email protected] »» url[irc://us.quakenet.org:6667-6669/LozaGames][#LozaGames (QuakeNet)]url

Try their servers now!

LozaGames want to offer a professional service and distinguish them from other server hostings. They allow each gamer to play on their servers by selling it on low prices.

Actu-Lan : www.actulan.com
Cyber CarpinieN : www.cyber-c.fr
NerdVibes : www.nerdvibes.com
BattleFrance : www.battlefrance.fr
BattleLan : www.battlelan.fr