in Memory of GIVE IT ALL  CoD4 Cup  id:  2943746
Name in Memory of GIVE IT ALL
Shorthandle give'
Registered since 02/01/08
IRC #give-it-all  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
: GIVE IT ALL by - Esport Team since 2k11

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›› Hetzer Online AG

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  5  Awards  
Honorary member
DjDoc  and  j1nXz

  CoD4 SD 5on5 Bundesliga : 9 Minor, 1 Majors
26.10.08 1Major Penalty ( 3.24 Verspätung) ( Match )
15.10.08 1 Minor Penalty ( 5.4.2 Meldung der Serverwahl) ( Match )
07.10.08 1 Minor Penalty ( 5.2.1 Aequitas) ( Match )
07.10.08 3 Minor Penalty ( 5.2.4 Config) ( Match )
07.10.08 1 Minor Penalty ( 5.13 Matchmedia) ( Match )
07.10.08 1 Minor Penalty ( 3.23 Matchbeginn) ( Match )
07.10.08 1 Minor Penalty ( 3.8.2 Premium Account) ( Match )
07.10.08 1 Minor Penalty ( 5.4.2 Meldung der Serverwahl) ( Match )
IRC #give-it-all  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Nightcup #6
loss   in memory of Braincrew  0 Sunday, 03/04/11 16:00 5
wins   -----------------  + 2 Sunday, 03/04/11 15:00 4
wins   The KiNGz  + 2 Sunday, 03/04/11 14:00 3
  Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Amateur Series
loss   Team Refuse  -24   R Tuesday, 21/12/10 15:00 14
wins   Project Mercenary.CoD4  + 25   R Tuesday, 07/12/10 15:00 0
wins   High FiDelity  + 25 Sunday, 21/11/10 15:00 10
  Call of Duty 4 League Autumn 2008 Promod Third Division
wins   GoodOldTimes!  + 3 Friday, 10/10/08 14:00 10
wins   Anale Grande  + 3 Sunday, 05/10/08 15:00 12