DeuS Team  .LoL  id:  5684997
Name DeuS Team
Shorthandle DeuS
Registered since 18/02/11
Headquarters  France
  1  Awards  
  DeuS Team  .CSGO
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Latest matches
  League of Legends 5on5 Champions Club #1
loss   Jambit Jaming  0 Friday, 29/04/11 14:00 1
wins   (bye)  Friday, 29/04/11 13:00 0
  League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #16
loss   Marvin  0 Thursday, 28/04/11 18:00 0
wins   Utopy  + 2 Thursday, 28/04/11 17:00 1
wins   Popples  + 2 Thursday, 28/04/11 16:00 2
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 28/04/11 15:00 0
  League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #15
loss   Hammer time mofos  0 Monday, 25/04/11 15:00 0
  League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #31 (Sun 03.04.11)
loss   Outsiders  0 Sunday, 03/04/11 09:30 3
wins   GeNeTic Gaming  + 2 Sunday, 03/04/11 08:00 2
  League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #30 (Sun 27.03.11)
loss   Royal Gaming LoL  0 Sunday, 27/03/11 08:00 2