Contacts & Buddies
Olaf 'GraspGG' Hannappel  id: 1061572
Name Olaf Hannappel
Nick GraspGG
Member since 04/01/05
Age / Gender 54 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Freelancer IT und Event
Employer / University / School self-employed
Main team GamersGen
Hello Dears Formerly known as UuuupsMSM i've played different NFS titles. Have had lots of great fun with many gamers playing several games on-/offline and within ESL - thx for those!!!

Very busy in rL atm, but ill have a look in here from time to time indeed! Feel free to leave a message :)

More infos and some(times ;) vids:  more...  
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  18 Awards  
Clubs  public
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