Contacts & Buddies
Uwe 'sLT' Degen  id: 2320517
Name Uwe Degen
Nick sLT
Member since 21/02/07
Age / Gender 34 Years / male
Nationality  Netherlands
Territory Germany
Main team COREPLAY COD4 EPS Season 17
Homepage --
!ehemaliger CoD4 - EPS-Spieler mit COREPLAY!
missing the good old times :(

feel free to challenge me!
Level & Awards
  40 Awards  
CoD4 MW (PC)
ICQ Games
Blub Game
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Recent matches
  FIFA 20 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
loss Nadolceltics  -19 Saturday, 06/06/20 11:29
loss Creppy8  -22 Sunday, 31/05/20 11:47
  FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Sunday Swiss Open Cup #54 Europe West
loss Sm4ke_L3genD  0 Sunday, 31/05/20 14:30
win Badooski  0 Sunday, 31/05/20 13:45
win Psychedelic32  0 Sunday, 31/05/20 13:00 1
  FIFA 20 (PS4) Open Ultimate Team Ladder 1on1 Europe
win NEMY2005  +21 Friday, 29/05/20 14:45 1
win Slaveg55  +23 Friday, 29/05/20 13:45 1
win zuzuki2244  +23 Sunday, 24/05/20 15:45 1
loss Jxoel  -14 Sunday, 24/05/20 14:45 1
win JR1505Manu  +24 Sunday, 24/05/20 13:30 1
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