ALLOK Team  *Poker 2x  id:  6368816
Name ALLOK Team
Shorthandle ALLOK!
Registered since 16/11/11
Subteam of ALLOK Team
Headquarters  Belarus
★ Welcome to ALLOK Team *Poker 2x

© Team-Captain: Alexei 'DOG' Sanikovich (id: 4236076)

Contact us:
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: vseokdog
ICQ: 178493

Last achievements (All look in the description):
3rd place PokerTH 2on2 Open Cup #1 (17.12.11)
  1  Awards  
Join team
Latest matches
  PokerTH 2on2 Ladder Old
wins   quadCore PokerTH 2on2  + 27 Monday, 16/04/12 14:15 4
loss   Blyskawiczne Zuki Gnojaki  -15 Friday, 16/12/11 16:05 7
loss   Blyskawiczne Zuki Gnojaki  -14 Friday, 02/12/11 15:15 8
  PokerTH 2on2 CIS PokerTH 2on2 Cup #3
loss   W4NTED & Wolverine  Sunday, 18/03/12 13:00 0
loss   IPLAYLOL  0 Thursday, 15/03/12 13:00 5
wins   Poker Semiluki  + 2 Monday, 12/03/12 13:00 6
  PokerTH 1on1 2on2 Open Cup #1
wins   14thejke88  + 2 Saturday, 17/12/11 12:00 4
loss   MiLorDs  0 Thursday, 15/12/11 12:00 8
wins   Validol  + 2 Tuesday, 13/12/11 12:00 7