bloody Angels   id:  7846148
Name bloody Angels
Shorthandle ][
Registered since 18/07/13
Headquarters  Finland
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  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 A-Series
loss   imagewechsel #5  -25 Sunday, 01/09/13 13:00 8
draws   FOR MOTHER RUSSlA  + 4 Tuesday, 27/08/13 15:00 4
wins   in memory of energy-WAVE e.V.  + 23 Monday, 26/08/13 15:00 8
wins   FOR MOTHER RUSSlA  + 25 Sunday, 25/08/13 15:00 8
wins   imagewechsel #5  + 25 Thursday, 22/08/13 15:00 2
wins   BE DIFFERENT !!!  + 24 Tuesday, 20/08/13 15:00 5
wins   HUTTRÄGER  + 20 Sunday, 18/08/13 15:00 5
loss   FOR MOTHER RUSSlA  -20 Thursday, 15/08/13 15:00 6
wins   asdasd  + 23 Tuesday, 13/08/13 15:00 8
wins   iQ Gaming Main  + 25 Monday, 12/08/13 15:00