Contacts & Buddies
Pixels  id: 10955026
Name --
Nick Pixels
Member since 15/02/17
Age / Gender - / male
Territory United States
Main team --
Homepage --
video games are dumb
Level & Awards
  2 Awards  
Line of Sight
Recent matches
  Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global
draw 11046180  -1 Saturday, 22/04/17 02:00
loss 11087740  -25 Monday, 27/03/17 23:00 1
loss 11087733  -26 Monday, 27/03/17 22:15 1
loss 6279430  -16 Monday, 27/03/17 21:00 1
loss 6279430  -18 Monday, 27/03/17 20:30 1
win 11057038  +19 Tuesday, 21/03/17 23:00 1
loss Incredible  -21 Tuesday, 21/03/17 16:40 2
loss 8611279  -31 Tuesday, 21/03/17 16:00 3
win 11060724  +20 Saturday, 18/03/17 21:00 1
win 11055908  +22 Saturday, 18/03/17 21:00 1
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