Contacts & Buddies
pSychOs  id: 1494362
Name --
Nick pSychOs
Member since 03/11/05
Age / Gender 39 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation IT Team Leader / Instructor
Employer / University / School Department of Defense (Germany)
Main team project Noth!ng
Homepage --
IEM/GC Dubai caster: "The Germans have done it in style"
Jang 'Moon' Jae-ho: "I really must win, I want champion"
Team-History (CS): DkH, a-Losers
Level & Awards
World of Tanks
Recent matches
  Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 EAS Dezember Finale
loss oendi  0 Tuesday, 10/01/12 14:00 5
  Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Amateur Series
win iyon  +26 Monday, 09/01/12 13:00 1
win kRiz  +25 Monday, 02/01/12 13:00 1
win ToDi  +25 Monday, 26/12/11 13:00 1
  Counter-Strike Nightcup 456 - 1on1 MR9 Handgun - 27.04.
loss 1149301  0 Wednesday, 27/04/11 14:00 5
  Counter-Strike 1on1 Daycup #3 - 1on1 MR15 - 27.03.
loss 5304662  0 Sunday, 27/03/11 10:30 0
win (bye)  Sunday, 27/03/11 10:00 0
  Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
win 1330968  +25 Friday, 25/03/11 14:55 3
win (bye)  Friday, 25/03/11 14:20 7
win slevin  +25 Tuesday, 22/03/11 16:36 4
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