Contacts & Buddies
shorti  id: 1671976
Name --
Nick shorti
Member since 17/02/06
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Territory Germany
Main team tera.gaming ex be.inside
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  16 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Battlefield 3
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
draw 4390274  -5 Friday, 26/04/13 16:35 2
win bE  +19 Friday, 26/04/13 16:08 4
win Magiczny Bisiek  +9 Tuesday, 18/12/12 12:08 1
loss mackie  -28 Tuesday, 18/12/12 11:52 2
loss 5111104  -31 Tuesday, 18/12/12 11:43 4
win hRy  +21 Tuesday, 18/12/12 11:36 2
win Tikkaa  +18 Tuesday, 18/12/12 11:28 2
loss 2290459  -27 Tuesday, 18/12/12 11:19 4
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
loss 476515  -27 Saturday, 09/02/13 17:33 3
loss 5486444  -20 Saturday, 09/02/13 17:11 5
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