Contacts & Buddies
Marco 'maexo' Sinigagliesi  id: 2313569
Name Marco Sinigagliesi
Nick maexo
Member since 18/02/07
Age / Gender 31 Years / male
Nationality  Italy
Territory Italy
Main team OCRANA Fangemeinde
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  4 Awards  
CoD4 MW (PC)
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
win 8290504  +17 Tuesday, 15/04/14 11:50
win 8290504  +19 Monday, 31/03/14 10:25
win 8166920  +11 Tuesday, 25/02/14 16:41 4
win 5773945  +24 Monday, 24/02/14 09:29 2
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