Contacts & Buddies
chebyrek  id: 4925765
Name Дмитрий 
Nick chebyrek
Member since 13/03/10
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Nationality  Russia
Territory Russia
Main team eBash.BF4
TANK and UAV driver in BF4.

Рlaying for eBash in 8on8.

Please do not throw quick games in the ladder PokerTH 1 on 1.  more...  
Level & Awards
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Battlefield 2
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
loss QFACIL  -27 Thursday, 27/02/14 15:55 3
win sTiLlLiFe  +27 Saturday, 22/02/14 16:00 1
win 6228330  +29 Thursday, 13/02/14 04:00 1
loss 4899746  -26 Wednesday, 12/02/14 13:00 2
loss 5447622  -22 Sunday, 09/02/14 14:00 2
  PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Europe
loss 8066578  -19 Wednesday, 19/02/14 11:15
loss SPELLAN  -24 Monday, 17/02/14 16:15 2
win Escape the Fate  +32 Monday, 17/02/14 04:00 2
loss 5447622  -34 Sunday, 09/02/14 14:00 2
win SPELLAN  +22 Sunday, 09/02/14 12:15 1
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