Contacts & Buddies
mistak3r  id: 506088
Name --
Nick mistak3r
Member since 21/05/03
Age / Gender 38 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Student
Employer / University / School FH Sozialwesen
Main team the beauty and the beast
Homepage --
Level & Awards
League of Legends
Warcraft 3: The frozen Throne
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
Recent matches
  League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
loss 3864186  -25 Sunday, 19/05/13 14:00
  League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Howling Abyss
win 7714184  +25 Thursday, 09/05/13 14:00
  PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
loss C.Style  -32 Friday, 18/02/11 05:13 2
win Own3d  +33 Friday, 18/02/11 03:43 2
loss 5673727  -36 Thursday, 17/02/11 09:42 1
win 4435648  +27 Thursday, 17/02/11 05:53 3
win 4310067  +11 Thursday, 17/02/11 05:23 4
win 4795861  +10 Thursday, 17/02/11 04:54 4
loss 3864632  -27 Thursday, 17/02/11 04:24 2
loss 2158712  -28 Thursday, 17/02/11 04:09 2
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