Contacts & Buddies
AafgeeTv  id: 5328915
Name Marcel 
Nick AafgeeTv
Member since 19/09/10
Age / Gender 33 Years / male
Nationality  Italy
Territory Germany
Occupation Kaufmann für Betäubungsmittel
Employer / University / School [ ] / [x] / [ ] Scantraxx University
Main team Berliner Clan Mainteam
╔══► Was geht ab ?!
╠════► Best ♫ ever
╠══════► Inanktiv bis ...!
╠════════► Skill : Low[] Middle[] High[] U-High[√√√]
╚══════════► GBs Wären Very NICE | 100% ReTry
Level & Awards
  11 Awards  
League of Legends
CoD:MW2 (PC)
CoD4 MW (PC)
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  League of Legends 1on1 Club Demacia #23
loss 8423418  0 Monday, 09/06/14 15:15
win Locaal  +2 Monday, 09/06/14 14:45
win 8446280  +2 Monday, 09/06/14 14:15
loss 5972834  0 Monday, 09/06/14 13:45
win MyHappyEnding  +2 Monday, 09/06/14 12:45 1
win 6912497  +2 Monday, 09/06/14 12:00
  Battlefield 4 Cups 1on1 Tank Only Weekend Cup #1
loss jinx  0 Saturday, 31/05/14 15:15 1
win 8043431  +2 Saturday, 31/05/14 14:15
  League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
win 7027120  +26 Sunday, 18/05/14 14:00
win 3327216  +28 Wednesday, 23/04/14 17:35 4
Visited Events
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MW2: blacker5, BO & MW3: therazor778899