Contacts & Buddies
BeN Magic  id: 5415683
Name Benjamin 
Nick BeN Magic
Member since 30/10/10
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Nationality  France
Territory France
Main team Fourchette Tueuse
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  11 Awards  
League of Legends
Blub Game
MSN Games
Worms Reloaded
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Recent matches
  League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
win 7131916  +2 Wednesday, 31/10/12 11:45
win 5426475  +2 Tuesday, 18/10/11 09:15 0
win AMANDiiNEE  +3 Tuesday, 18/10/11 08:20 0
win 5834309  +3 Sunday, 16/10/11 09:20 0
win iamL  +2 Sunday, 16/10/11 08:00 0
win 5171926  +3 Sunday, 16/10/11 07:00 0
win Fratox  +3 Sunday, 16/10/11 05:10 0
win 6107517  +3 Sunday, 16/10/11 04:45 0
win 4999504  +3 Saturday, 15/10/11 05:00 1
win 5707829  +3 Saturday, 15/10/11 04:40 1
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