Contacts & Buddies
Giovanni 'GionX' Pasanisi  id: 5612697
Name Giovanni Pasanisi
Nick GionX
Member since 23/01/11
Age / Gender 31 Years / male
Nationality  Italy
Territory Italy
Occupation Studente
Employer / University / School Liceo Classico Statale J.Sannazaro
Main team --
Homepage http://www.explosion-esports.c..
Level & Awards
League of Legends
Recent matches
  HaxBall 1on1 Fast Ladder
loss 6504302  -23 Wednesday, 09/05/12 12:55 0
loss 5864605  -13 Tuesday, 24/04/12 10:40 5
loss 6126454  -16 Saturday, 21/04/12 13:45 7
loss Axel  -15 Tuesday, 27/03/12 15:00 3
  HaxBall 1on1 Ladder
loss SimoLeo  -39 Sunday, 13/03/11 15:10 3
loss 5501922  -27 Sunday, 13/03/11 07:35 3
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