Contacts & Buddies
René Alexander 'GRunner' Buttler  id: 568493
Name René Alexander Buttler
Nick GRunner
Member since 12/08/03
Age / Gender 37 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Employer / University / School Turtle Entertainment Germany
Main team --
Homepage http://https//
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Level & Awards
Project CARS (PC)
League of Legends
Race Driver GRID
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Recent matches
  Go4ProjectCARS (PC) Europe Cup #2
loss 9423422  0 Sunday, 11/10/15 11:30
win 9400324  +2 Sunday, 11/10/15 11:00
win 9430489  +2 Sunday, 11/10/15 10:30
win TypTea  +2 Sunday, 11/10/15 10:00
  Go4ProjectCARS (PC) Europe Cup #1
loss 5390579  0 Sunday, 04/10/15 10:00
  Project CARS (PC) 1on1 Kick Off Cup #1 Europe
loss 9400193  0 Sunday, 13/09/15 11:35
win 7629260  +2 Sunday, 13/09/15 11:05
win 9404779  +2 Sunday, 13/09/15 10:35
win 9404688  +2 Sunday, 13/09/15 10:05
  League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
loss 3981683  -18 Thursday, 23/12/10 10:45 2
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