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MrGotko  id: 8485274
Name Kamil 
Nick MrGotko
Member since 28/06/14
Age / Gender 29 Years / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Occupation Górnik
Employer / University / School Pracuję w Kopalni
Main team --
Level & Awards
FIFA 17 (PC)
War Rock
Recent matches
  FIFA 17 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #14 Europe
loss pepe12324  0 Thursday, 09/03/17 16:45 1
  FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
draw tomh  +4 Monday, 10/10/16 17:45
draw 6428044  +17 Monday, 10/10/16 17:17
loss 3063476  -28 Monday, 10/10/16 16:51
win 9227914  +20 Sunday, 09/10/16 05:39
loss Vasi  -26 Sunday, 09/10/16 04:48
win 10502666  +17 Sunday, 09/10/16 04:32
draw MISIOVSKI  +5 Saturday, 08/10/16 11:37
loss alexSTAR  -29 Saturday, 08/10/16 11:12
win 9930697  +25 Saturday, 08/10/16 10:44
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