blabla  id: 3236524
For a 10-year membership in the ESL
2,9317% all players (Show)
awarded on 12/08/19
For an ESL Premium Account worth 4 years
0,3226% all players (Show)
awarded on 07/10/13
Played gathers with over 2000 different players.
0,7613% all players (Show)
awarded on 12/08/11
ESL Wire Beta User
1,1101% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/08/09
10 VERSUS Matches
4,5786% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/01/12
Former VERSUS Beta member, Top 50% of most active players.
0,7290% all players (Show)
awarded on 29/11/11
Progress of new awards
The following bars show when the next award will be given. The data are updated once a day.
100% For a 15-year membership in the ESL
93% Played VERSUS with over 500 different players.
60% 100 VERSUS Matches
56% Played gathers with over 5000 different players. Information on the Gather Award
47% For an ESL Premium Account worth 10 years
33% For 100 played 1on1 matches in the ESL
30% Reaching Overall Level 100
27% 100 Matches as Solo Player against a Party
20% Reaching level 15 in 5 games
20% Reaching level 5 in 5 games
10% For 100 won 1on1 matches in the ESL
8% Played over 100 VERSUS Matches as Party Leader.