marion  id: 1151796
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 17 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 North America
created from rating comment match
09.05.17 Danny Detail
07.05.17 V3dran Detail
06.05.17 11269815 Detail
29.04.17 8938262 Detail
24.04.17 11228281 Detail
21.04.17 alpaca16 Detail
04.04.17 11070056 Detail
20.03.17 8938262 Detail
19.03.17 11032767 We play a match tie, so we play again and he lag out the socreboard was 4-1 before he left Detail
22.02.17 10961797 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #21 NA
created from rating comment match
30.04.17 11145043 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #15 NA
created from rating comment match
20.03.17 11039526 Detail
19.03.17 10564519 Detail
19.03.17 11058866 Detail
19.03.17 10952111 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #9 NA
created from rating comment match
05.02.17 10914158 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #7 NA
created from rating comment match
22.01.17 Bap12xx Detail
22.01.17 10862871 Detail
22.01.17 10606431 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #6 NA
created from rating comment match
15.01.17 10810640 Detail
FIFA 16 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.10.15 9013320 Detail
17.10.15 8316502 Detail
17.10.15 DaniToureiro Detail
FIFA 15 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
01.11.14 Jekoz Detail
31.10.14 Buki Detail
31.10.14 4166535 Detail
23.10.14 Popaj Detail
23.10.14 93417 Detail
22.10.14 7998041 gg Detail
17.10.14 8653657 Detail
14.10.14 Dan1sh88 Detail
14.10.14 8663847 Detail
14.10.14 8608872 Detail
14.10.14 8669390 Gutes Spiel Detail
14.10.14 8663930 Detail
13.10.14 Dagui_16 Detail
13.10.14 2466942 Detail
12.10.14 1981677 Detail
12.10.14 Raijk Detail
12.10.14 8222826 Detail
12.10.14 8666167 Detail
09.10.14 Dagui_16 Detail
04.10.14 2328375 Detail
03.10.14 2466942 Detail
03.10.14 Dagui_16 Detail
02.10.14 2466942 Detail
02.10.14 8646823 Detail
01.10.14 Dagui_16 Detail
01.10.14 2466942 Detail
30.09.14 2062716 ++ Detail
27.09.14 Dutch-MDH Detail
Europe FIFA 14 (PS4) 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.09.14 IronCrock Detail
FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.06.06 1097713 Detail
25.05.06 427559 Detail
24.05.06 szczoti mega deley bad conn Detail
24.05.06 691098 Detail
23.05.06 1455431 Detail
23.05.06 1459581 <[4Frag]pawelrev> thx Detail
20.05.06 1624844 Detail
16.05.06 1491289 Detail
16.05.06 1658738 Detail
15.05.06 warui_www Detail
15.05.06 1486734 Detail
14.05.06 1099118 Detail
14.05.06 KarteKpL Chuck lubi kolor pomarańczowy, dlatego Ukraina też polubiła. Detail
14.05.06 1724355 Detail
14.05.06 1178919 gg Detail
13.05.06 1298068 Detail
13.05.06 966812 gg Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.05.06 1814471 Detail
21.05.06 1352061 Detail
24.02.06 WerkoS Detail
24.02.06 pAWEU Detail
23.02.06 1463442 Detail
23.02.06 978812 Detail
23.02.06 1407826 Detail
23.02.06 marcinEQ Detail
22.02.06 1121478 Detail
FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 1on1 Openingcup
created from rating comment match
17.05.06 659951 def win Detail
FIFA 06 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.04.06 1191423 dawno nie gralismy, gg m8 :D :P Detail
06.02.06 1633147 Detail
30.01.06 989070 Detail
30.01.06 qwe modem 56k , kurwa witam Detail
12.12.05 Wlosek Detail
18.11.05 1508640 :-) Detail
13.11.05 1328703 Detail
11.11.05 1271496 gg Detail
09.11.05 Bartas gg Detail
09.11.05 1235616 Detail
07.11.05 Wlosek Detail
06.11.05 1190103 Detail
06.11.05 1258936 Detail
04.11.05 1319270 Detail
04.11.05 1318909 Detail
04.11.05 1455431 Detail
04.11.05 1051302 Detail
04.11.05 1272701 Detail
31.10.05 Wlosek Detail
30.10.05 1287690 Detail
ICQ Games RPS Online 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.02.06 1121478 Detail
NHL 06 Cups 1on1 Cup
created from rating comment match
14.12.05 1531298 Nie dało się połączyć. Brak patcha #3 Detail
12.12.05 529314 Detail
06.12.05 szczoti Detail
FIFA 06 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.11.05 1494673 gg nice game Detail
11.11.05 Renas Detail
09.11.05 1219781 gg fair player and good one Detail
08.11.05 1089078 gg Detail
07.11.05 krabbe1337 Detail
04.11.05 Ykral gg nice game and good con Detail
01.11.05 1318909 Detail
31.10.05 KarteKpL gg Detail
31.10.05 Wlosek Detail
FIFA 2005 1on1 No OTB Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.10.05 1258936 Detail
29.09.05 1010698 Detail
27.09.05 Rdk Detail
16.09.05 Zi0m bez dogrywki :/ Detail
FIFA 2005 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.09.05 HeTmaN Detail
28.09.05 1225293 Detail
FIFA 2005 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.09.05 1076006 Detail
27.09.05 860796 Detail
17.09.05 1321000 That was not Low skill!!!! Detail
17.09.05 705989 he force my corners away Detail
17.09.05 761339 gg Detail
17.09.05 995060 gg Detail
17.09.05 404667 Detail
17.09.05 1294899 so lucky boy Detail
17.09.05 1184750 Detail
16.09.05 1310355 bad con Detail
12.09.05 1191423 fartuch jak niewiem xD Detail
27.08.05 1008994 gg Detail
27.08.05 marco Detail
27.08.05 750668 bad connect + luck Detail
25.08.05 418153 nice player Detail
23.08.05 1202377 Detail
23.08.05 1214203 Detail
23.08.05 1285760 Detail
23.08.05 HeTmaN Detail
23.08.05 1382500 Detail
22.08.05 513202 Detail
22.08.05 404667 Detail
22.08.05 860796 Detail
17.08.05 532304 simply better! Detail
17.08.05 667863 Detail
11.08.05 1303409 Detail
11.08.05 1241182 Detail
10.08.05 1358516 Detail
FIFA 2005 Cups 1on1 Summer Cup 2005
created from rating comment match
26.08.05 szczoti Detail
22.08.05 qwe gg Detail