acan48  id: 13217090
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 19 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
26.03.19 13525556 Detail
26.03.19 13397628 Detail
10.03.19 13397628 Detail
10.03.19 alexander9819 Detail
10.03.19 PatetPhil Detail
10.03.19 13422785 Detail
10.03.19 10561867 Detail
08.03.19 kleju Detail
08.03.19 ScHmItZeR- Detail
08.03.19 13434109 Detail
07.03.19 Gilberto1909 Detail
07.03.19 11215672 Detail
07.03.19 10561867 Detail
05.03.19 13381767 Zeitspiel aber der 70. Minute Detail
04.03.19 13381767 Detail
04.03.19 13397628 BAD PLAYER Detail
28.02.19 Gregor92 Detail
25.02.19 L.S.D Good game ! Detail
18.02.19 tysoNNq7 Detail
17.02.19 Kacpil Detail
17.02.19 Abdessamadh Detail
16.02.19 13296544 Detail
16.02.19 jozeph1986 Detail
15.02.19 13289457 Detail
15.02.19 Xe0nZ Detail
15.02.19 13289457 Detail
07.02.19 13263274 Detail
05.02.19 13180245 Detail
05.02.19 Kiezlegende gg Detail
04.02.19 12541440 Detail
04.02.19 13158966 Detail
04.02.19 13247175 He only play so scary I never saw this before. Detail
04.02.19 Xe0nZ time wasted the whole 2nd half. Poor player who trys to hard to win Detail
04.02.19 Xe0nZ gg Detail
04.02.19 1979615 Detail
03.02.19 Xe0nZ Detail
03.02.19 12957095 Detail
01.02.19 13238434 Detail
01.02.19 12541440 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #18
created from rating comment match
03.02.19 Peteosss Detail
03.02.19 12880048 Detail
03.02.19 Hitzi Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Poland Cup #25
created from rating comment match
01.02.19 cytrusekk Detail